Monday, January 27, 2014

Finally...some progress made!

We finally had school last Friday (after being off all week for snow) and I was able to send home consent forms with the four students that had not yet returned them. I received all of them back today so it is now time to begin! I will have 21 students participating. I gave all students the Garfield Reading Attitude Survey. This shows how students feel about reading for recreational purposes and academic purposes. I will be posting within the next couple of days explaining the contents of this survey and the results. I recently prepared all of the materials for the three different groups: HELPS, repeated reading, and reading series group. This way everything will be prepared and ready in advance when I go to work with each group. Here is what I have been working on:

HELPS: I will be working with this group on Mondays and Wednesdays for 15 minutes each day. It will be a total of 30 minutes a week. I studied the materials last night so that I would feel prepared in order to work with this group for the first time today. I went through and highlighted important point in the scripted directions.

Here is a sneak peak of the results I received from this group today. Since all groups are split up evenly (RTI, gender, etc), I saw a variety of results. The student read each passage three times. You can see below that one student read 90 WCPM and another student read 28 WCPM on the third time reading the passage. What I was most excited to see was the improvement between the first and third reading. You can see below that one student read 75 WCPM their first time reading and 90 WCPM on the third reading. The other student read 11 WCPM on the first try and 28 WCPM the third time reading the passage. I saw similar results with all seven students in this group. I was excited to see that the students were very receptive of this program. They loved the concept of rereading and trying to beat where they stopped in the passage each time after one minute.

Repeated Reading: I will be working with this group on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 15 minutes  a day. Tomorrow will be my first time with this group. I went ahead and printed off several passages from the Reading A-Z website in order to be prepared ahead of time for each week.
 Reading Series: I will work with this group on Fridays for 30 minutes. Students in this group will be using decodable readers that go along with our reading series. They focus on the theme and letters for the week. I will be using the center activity that goes along with each short story. See below for a picture of the materials.

I'm excited to watch the progress of the groups. Stay tuned for the next post regarding my data collection methods. This will include the Garfield Survey mentioned above. I will be describing my instruments and rationale for using them.


  1. I love all of your preparation! It looks so organized and you seem to be on a roll. It is also good to hear that you are finally getting back to school. You may be doing this later and if so feel free to tell me, but I'm curious about the difference between HELPS and repeated reading. From the picture above it looked as though HELPS is a version of repeated reading. I'm I totally wrong about that? I use repeated reading in my tier 3 groups and have found it to be very helpful.

    Keep up the good work! I look forward to hearing about your progress!

    1. Good question about the difference between the two programs. Repeated reading is a part of the HELPS Program. The HELPS Program is more involved in that you talk about miscues, comprehension, model reading, etc(see HELPS direction sheet above). This is why I am anxious to see if repeated reading itself is sufficient enough to show improvements in fluency or if the students also need these other components.

  2. I love the visual support that you were able to post on your blog. I'm definitely going to try and implement the same on mine. I am also using a Garfield Survey, I'm using the writing attitude survey. I think that they will offer both of us some good base information on our participants' feelings and somewhat about their thought process when it comes to reading, or in my case, writing.

  3. go girl! You are rocking out on being prepared and having everything together so that it runs as smoothly as possible. It looks like you are off to a great start and as always I can't wait to see how your research turns out so I can consider some of these same things in my classroom. One thing I will be interested in is seeing if the frequency of working with kids makes a difference. Yes it is 30 minutes a week for all groups but it will be interesting to see what happens since that one group (doing the reading program) will only be getting it once a week and the other groups will be getting it twice a week. Just thinking about how long students carry over information at this age. Do you do any sort of daily reading group on top of your research?

    1. The group that I see on Friday's did ask today why I haven't worked with them yet. That is something to think about. I do leveled reading groups that go along with the reading series on top of this research. There are three leveled books for each reading story and the groups meet daily. The decodable readers that go along with the reading series are in addition to this.

  4. great visuals--remember to document how much time between data collection (1st and 3rd reads) I might have missed it.
