Thursday, March 13, 2014

Data, Data, Data!

I was able to sit down with the three students that had missed their small group sessions last week in order to gather the final scores. I have now officially completed my small group HELPS, repeated reading and Houghton Mifflin sessions. Here are the final results of the HELPS and repeated reading groups R-CBM fluency scores.

Final Repeated Reading Group:

Final HELPS Group:

STAR Test: I was able to have all but three students take the STAR Test today. I will post the results very soon, comparing the STAR Test results from the beginning of the research to the end of the research. I looked at the scores from the students who took the test today and it looks like the results are going to be very interesting!

1st Whole Group R-CBM compared to 2nd Whole Group R-CBM (Given to all students every 2 weeks after research began):

The table above shows the first reading on 2/14 and the second progress check on 3/7. The students that are in yellow are my RTI students. The students only read the passage one time. The table shows the results after the first reading. All but one student showed gains.  See the table below for gains and losses. 
I was shocked to see such positive results! I only had one student that read fewer words than last time and that was only by four fewer words. The smallest gain was 3 WCPM and the largest gain was 59 WCPM. As you can see, most students made significant gains. I am very happy to say that during Reading RTI (Response to Intervention) meetings tomorrow, I get to dismiss two students completely from RTI due to such positive R-CBM results during the research process.

Garfield Survey: I gave the students the Garfield Survey today since I am now finished working with small groups. All students were present and took the attitude survey. I will be looking to see how reading attitudes changed from the beginning of the research process to the end. I am currently scoring their surveys and will post results soon. 

Data I have left to collect in the classroom: 
  • Three students need to take the STAR Test
  • Final whole class R-CBM  (Same passage will be used that was given right before the research began in order to look at progress made) 

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! Way to go Devon! Its awesome that things are wrapping up! It looks like students have made amazing gains and I can't wait to see what your final results show for all of the strategies. :)
