Sunday, March 16, 2014

Garfield Survey: Final Results!

Here's a reminder of the results I received when giving the Garfield Reading Attitude Survey at the beginning of the research study: 
Garfield Reading Attitude Survey Results Prior to Research

·        Full Scale Score (N=21): 78 66 56 63 69 70 68 56 74 42 62 65 45 67 73 70 61 62 57 61 62
·         Mean: 63.2 Range (42-78)
·         Median: 63
·         Mode: 62


Participants Full Scale scores (Recreational +Academic) generally ranged from 53-74. Nine students scored in the range of 53-63 and nine students scored in the range of 64-74. All students completed this survey in the classroom. Each question was read twice to the students while the students circled the Garfield character that corresponded with their feelings. 

Now that my research study is over, I gave the students the Garfield Reading Attitude Survey again to see whether reading attitudes have changed.  Here's a look at the results: 

Garfield Reading Attitude Survey Ending Results: 

Full Scale Score (N=21): 64, 64, 79, 45, 62, 62, 65, 75, 63, 65, 61, 51, 47, 64, 80, 54, 71, 45, 
60, 59, 71

Mean: 62.2 Range (45-80)
Median: 62.5
Mode: 64


Participants Full Scale scores (Recreational +Academic) generally ranged from 53-74. Seven students scored in the range of 53-63 and seven students scored in the range of 64-74. All students completed this survey at the same time in the classroom. Each question was read twice to the students while students circled the Garfield character that corresponded with their feelings. The survey was given in the exact same manner that it was given the first time the students completed the survey.

Comparing results: One thing that I notice is that when given the attitude survey again, I have more students on the extreme ends of the results. I had four students that scored with really low reading attitudes, where before I only had two students. I had three students that scored really high on the reading attitude survey, where as before I only had one. Therefore, although I had more students score low, I also had more students score extremely high this time. What I also find interesting is that the middle ranges stayed even again. When looking at the ranges of 53-63 and 64-74, I had seven students fall in each range. Before, I had nine students score in each range. The only thing that changed from the previous survey results was two students scored lower in the 42-52 range and two students scored higher in the 75 and above range.

Reasons: I can't help but think of reasons of why two students scored lower this time and two scored higher. The reason for the lower scores could be due to inconsistency in school days. We have had an abundance of snow days recently and this could have an impact on students' attitudes. Students are just now getting back on routine. In fact, last week was our first full week with no delays since Thanksgiving. This does have an impact on the attitudes of first grade students. Reading attitudes could have increased due to students increased abilities to read. When students feel they are capable of reading, they are more likely to enjoy it. From my experiences, I have found that struggling readers are more likely to have a negative reading attitude. I saw lots of improvement within fluency scores and WCPM while working with students. Therefore, the increased reading abilities could have increased reading attitudes.

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