Monday, March 3, 2014

The Final Week Working With Groups

This week will be my final week working with the HELPS, repeated reading, and Houghton Mifflin group. We are out today due to snow but I am hoping that we will be back in school tomorrow. I will have worked with each group a total of 2 hrs and 45 minutes. This means that I would have worked with the repeated reading group and HELPS group a total of 11 times by the end of this week. I need to work with the Houghton Mifflin group 45 minutes this week. This is 15 extra minutes than normal in order to make up time lost due to snow. I will have worked with the Houghton Mifflin group a total of five times, or a total of 2 hrs and 45 minutes. I am going to post the most recent results that I have seen from these groups.
Repeated Reading Group Results: 
Above you can see the scores gathered for the repeated reading group. I tracked gains and decreases in words read correctly per minute from week to week. I was looking for trends in doing this. What I was able to find was very interesting. The first date that really stands out to me is 2/4/2014. All students had a significant decrease in scores during that session. The scores decreased from anywhere to 13 WCPM to 26 WCPM. This is huge! Another date that stands out to me is 2/20/14. All students had gains in WCPM during this session. I am wondering if this has to do with the ease of the passages. Even though all passages given to the students were the same reading level, some passages still seem to contain harder words than others. I thought this was very interesting to see.
HELPS Groups Results: 
I found some interesting results in this group as well when tracking gains and decreases in WCPM. On 2/10/2014, all students showed gains in their scores. On 2/12/2014, the following session, all students showed decreases in their scores. The same thing happened a couple weeks later. On  2/19/2014, all students showed gains in words read correctly per minute. The following session, 2/28/2014, all students showed losses except for one student that showed gains. What are your predictions on what is causing this trend? The HELPS passages go in a sequential order and slightly increase in difficulty level from one passage to the next.

I also wanted to summarize what I will have completed by the end of this week and what I have left when it comes to data collecting. Highlighted in yellow is the data that I have collected. Highlighted in green is the data I will still be collecting/analyzing.

What I will have completed by Friday (3/7): 
  • HELPS Group- worked with a total of 11 sessions- 2 hrs 45 min (Running Records)
  • Repeated Reading Group- worked with a total of 11 sessions- 2hrs 45 min (Running Records)
  • Houghton Mifflin- worked with a total of 5 sessions- 2hrs 45 min (Student writing/work)
  • Three Student Reading Interest Interviews (transcripts from video- still working on coding)
  • Initial whole class AIMSweb passage prior to working with groups (R-CBM Running Record)
  • Given every two weeks- 1st Whole Class AIMSweb R-CBM  to track whole class progress (R-CBM Running Records)
  • STAR TEST- Given prior to working with groups (Grade Equivalent Reading Scores)
  • Garfield Survey- Given prior to working with group (Survey Scoring Sheet)

What I have left to do before Thursday, March 20th:
  • Given every two weeks- 2nd Whole Class R-CBM Benchmarn to track whole class progress (R-CBM Running Records)
  • STAR TEST- Given after last group session has been completed (Grade Equivalent Reading Scores)
  • Garfield Survey- Given after last group session has been completed (Survey Scoring Sheet)
  • Final whole class AIMSweb passage after last group session has been completed (R-CBM Running Record)

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