Thursday, February 27, 2014

Initial Coding and Another Storm Coming...

I was hoping to have more coding completed by tonight than what I have but it has been a challenging week. I have been battling allergies/a bad cold for the past three days. I did start taking a look at the interviews that I completed and transcribed on Monday. I am in the initial coding stages. This is where I look at what I think the student was doing and I pick a verb to describe the action. I scanned the three interviews for common occurrences. So far I have picked out "silent answers" and "strong emotions". "Silent answers" include the student using body language to answer the question or giving no response at all. I was able to note this due to videotaping the interviews. I was picking out "strong" words in the interviews which is why I created the code "strong emotions". I think their word choice may be connected to self-confidence. Strong emotions included:
"love to read"
"read a lot"
"really nice"
"It's fun"
"really good reader"

So far these are the only two codes I have picked out. I will continue this process this weekend and will update you next week. I plan to finish working with my groups next Friday, March 7th. I should have plenty of fluency data collected by then from the groups. I hear another snow storm is headed our way for Monday. Hopefully the dreaded "s" word doesn't throw off my plan. Take a look at my coding process so far...


  1. Devon I like that you put up visuals of your coding process, I think I'll try to do the same. I looked for the "-ing" (so what the I thought my participants were doing). But I do like that you listed strong emotional phrases as well :)

  2. I really liked that you put "silent answer." I noted nodding in my interview notes. Looks like you are off to a good start!
