Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Look at Descriptive Data!

  1. Descriptive Statistics
1        21 Participants (N=21)
·         11 Females (52%) and 10 Males (48%)
·         5 Students with an IEP
·         10 Students in RTI (Response to Intervention)
·         7 Students in RTA (Read to Achieve)

Twenty-one students (N=21) are participating in the research study. Eleven of the students are female and ten of the students are male. Five of the students in the classroom have an IEP, all of them being for speech related reasons. Ten of the students in the classroom are in the RTI program and are a part of the AIMSweb intervention. Seven of the students in the class work with the RTA teacher for 30 minutes a day, five days a week. The seven students that are in RTA are also in RTI. The twenty-one students were split into three research groups in the classroom: HELPS Program, Houghton Mifflin Reading Series, and repeated reading.
      2.   Group Formation


Each research group consists of seven students. Male and female students were split evenly amongst the groups. RTI and RTA students were also split evenly amongst the groups. Groups were formed in this manner in order to receive valid results. IEP’s were not factored in since they were all for speech and it didn’t affect the students learning abilities.

3.      3. Garfield Reading Attitude Survey Results
·         Full Scale Score (N=21): 78 66 56 63 69 70 68 56 74 42 62 65 45 67 73 70 61 62 57 61 62
·         Mean: 63.2 Range (42-78)
·         Median: 63
·         Mode: 62

Participants Full Scale scores (Recreational +Academic) generally ranged from 53-74. Nine students scored in the range of 53-63 and nine students scored in the range of 64-74. All students completed this survey in the classroom. Each question was read twice to the students while the students circled the Garfield character that corresponded with their feelings.


      4. STAR Reading Results- Grade Equivalent Reading Level prior to beginning research
2.4 1.4 1.6 2.7 3.5 0.8 1.8 1.1 2.2 0.9 2.2 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 3.8 1.1
·         Mean: 1.7 Range (0.8-3.8)
·         Median: 1.3
·         Mode: 1.1, 1.3

One student did not score on the STAR Test. Therefore, 95% of the students received a score on this assessment. Until a student is reading independently and decoding words, students will not perform well on this assessment. At the time the STAR Test was given, students should have been reading at a grade equivalent reading level of 1.5. This number represents the first grade in the fifth month (December). This test was given prior to beginning the research study in order to check for gains in reading levels. Below you will find a pie chart showing how many students are reading above, on, or below grade level.

5.      5. Initial AIMSweb R-CBM Results- Words Correct per minute
89 32 55 8 112 167 22 81 36 36 17 36 23 29 17 10 60 25 37 23 109
·         Mean: 48.8 Range (8-167)
·         Median: 36
·         Mode: 36

The Initial AIMSweb R-CBM was given to the students at the beginning of the research study. All students were given the same reading passage to ensure accurate results. Students were given one minute to read the passage. This same passage was given to the students at the end of the study in order to look for gains in fluency that was made. The graph below shows the range of scores within the results. Seven students are already reading at an end of first grade reading level and fourteen students are reading below the end of first grade R-CBM goal. Students should be able to read 54 WCPM at the end of Grade 1.


  1. Devon, your graphs look amazing! I am so jealous! I tried every possible way I know how to get mine into my blog and I can't! :/ I love the visual representation of your data. It adds some clarity to what could be very confusing in word form. Great job!

  2. Devon,
    Your data looks great. It is awesome that your groups were able to be split exactly 7 a piece. There are two things that really stand out to me. On your Garfield survey it is interesting how your students all seemed to fall right there in that middle ranges. You don't have a large number who either really love reading or who really dislike reading. I also thought your STAR Reading Results were interesting because you have no students in the blue ("on grade level") they all either fell below or above. Are your "below" students significantly below or just barely, same with your "above", are they soaring or just right there above.
