Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Problems and Group Updates

The problem...
What I am finding is that my students are doing a good job with the repeated reading process. The students in the HELPS group and repeated reading group have both shown wonderful progress in the amount of words they are able to read per minute within each session. I have not calculated this progress from week to week yet but I feel like their scores look great. However, it is important to remember that when I complete the running record with them to calculate their WCPM, this is the fourth time the students are reading the passage. Therefore, the repeated reading process is working BUT when I go to test my ten RTI students on their AIMSweb R-CBM probe each week, they only get to read the passage once. Since they only have one chance to read the passage they are not scoring well. I have conducted the first whole class R-CBM passage to track progress. This will occur every two weeks. Below you can see the results.
The students highlighted in yellow are my RTI students. Students should be able to read 54 WCPM by the end of first grade. None of these students scored at 54 WCPM. Actually, some of my students that are not in RTI scored below that word amount as well. I will say that some of the R-CBM AIMSweb passages are harder than others. I do think this was a more challenging passage but students still have to be able to score well on all passages. Their scores were discouraging to see when I feel like the group sessions have been going well. I think the disconnect is that this passage can only be read once, errors are not discussed, and the comprehension component is missing. Students get one shot with no discussions and that's it.

Group Updates:  I am posting all of the current data and info that I have. I will be analyzing and coding all of the data very soon so I wanted to show you the latest and greatest scores. Bogden and Biklen (1982) stated, "The analytic task, interpreting and making sense out of the collected materials, appears monumental when one is involved in a first research project"(p.145). Since this is my first research project I have conducted in my classroom, I expect that making sense of all of the data will be challenging at first.

HELPS Group:
Here are the latest scores for the HELPS group. I have worked with them a total of seven times. I have one session to make up with them due to snow. 

Repeated Reading:
 Here are the latest scores for the repeated reading group. I have worked with them a total of six times. I have one session to make up with them due to snow.
Houghton Mifflin: 
I have worked with this group a total of two times. I have one session to make up with them due to snow. The pictures are from the make up session that I had with them earlier this week. This group has really enjoyed these center activities that go along with our reading story for the week. The activities have seemed fairly simple thus far. I actually had them write an additional sentence in this activity because the activity only asked them to draw a picture and I thought that seemed too simple for them.

1 comment:

  1. Devon, I totally understand your discouragement, but keep in mind that it can take up to 6 weeks to see huge growth with any intervention. With the inconsistency of being at school, it may take a little while. Stay positive and keep pushing on!
