Sunday, February 16, 2014

Almost a full week of school!

I thought last week was going to be our first full week of school since November. I guess I got a little too hopeful because we ended up having a snow day on Friday. This means that I didn't get to work with my Houghton Mifflin group. This also means that we didn't get to have our Valentine's Day party so I get to look forward to all of that excitement tomorrow. I am hoping to get my group sessions in every day of this upcoming week. We do have a field trip on Friday so I am hoping to still fit my group session in on this day. At least it looks like snow will not be an issue this week.

Make up sessions: Due to snow days, I currently have 2 Houghton Mifflin sessions, 1 repeated reading session, and 1 HELPS session to make-up. I also have to give all students an R-CBM passage. I am giving the students an R-CBM passage every two weeks to check progress. Friday, February 14th was supposed to be the first of these passages. Of course, we were not in school. If I have any extra time this week, my first priority is to pull my Houghton Mifflin group since I have worked with this group the least. Unpredictable snow days have definitely been the biggest challenge of this research study.

Repeated Reading Group Update: I have worked with this group a total of five times. I have updated the chart so that you can see the results from their repeated reading passages at this current point in time.
In particular, the session on 2/13 stood out to me. Four students read every word in the passage in less than one minute with zero mistakes. Another student, RR I, read 70 words per minute but made zero mistakes. This means that five students on this day made zero mistakes, which to me shows wonderful results. Here is a picture of the students' Reading A-Z fluency passage on this particular day(2/13).

Stay tuned for updates on the HELPS group and Houghton Mifflin group...


  1. Devon, I'm glad to see that you are making some progress.
    As far as the chart above, I think it is so neat to see that your kids are performing so well! My concern is where you will go now. Do you have more difficult passages so the students are being challenged a little more? Do these scores correlate with the AIMSweb RCBM passages?

    1. Well you have to keep in mind that the scores above are the fourth time the student has read the passage. When I give my ten RTI students their R-CBM passage every Thursday for the AIMSweb program they are scoring below (some even significantly below) where they need to be at the end of the year. The problem is they are only allowed to read the passage once. Now the issue is bridging the gap when these students do so well with repeated reading but when actually tested where it counts, they don't score well because they are only reading the passage once.
