Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Colorful World of Coding!

Table 1 Coding Mapping (To be read from top to bottom)
                                                  Initial Codes
Estimating books read                                    Questioning answers            
Repeating words (a lot and well)                   Agreeing with responses                
Understanding                                                Enjoying reading               
Thinking                                                          Learning from reading                     
Bragging/ High Confidence                            Dislikes reading
Mumbling answers                                         Body language           
Complimenting students                                 Hiding behind clothes
Explaining reasons                                          Picture books
Connecting to real life                                    Emotions displayed
Broad answers                                                Interrupting
Speaking                                                         Honesty

                                   Secondary Codes (Focused Codes)
Silent Answer (SA)                                      Short Books (RR)
Short Response (SA)                                    High Self-Confidence (SC)
Repeating Words (SA)                                  Low Self-Confidence (SC)
Academic Reading (RR)                               Strong Emotions (SE)
Recreational Reading (RR)                           Dislikes Reading Books (SE)

                                   Final Codes (Data Categories)
Self-Confidence (SC)                           Low Communication (SA)                    
Honest Opinion (SE)                            Reading Purpose (RR)

Rossman and Rallis (2003) stated, “Data analysis is a similar process of sorting, categorizing, grouping, and regrouping the data into piles or chunks that are meaningful” (p.271). This is the process that I used in order to develop themes that I was seeing throughout the transcribed reading attitude interviews that I completed with three of my students. Below are two of the themes described that emerged within the interviews.

Self-Confidence (SC)
I selected the term self-confidence to describe the way the students felt about their own reading abilities in the classroom. Elements that I coded in the reading interviews with self-confidence were statements with low self-confidence and high self-confidence. All three students that were interviewed displayed their honest opinion about their own self-confidence. Without using names, students mentioned the following statements:
High-Self Confidence:
(made eye contact most of the time)
“Well it’s fun and it teaches other people how to read”
“It’s easy because I’m a really good reader”
“I love to read out loud”

Low-Self Confidence:
(little to no eye contact)
“How would you feel…shy”
“Because when I try to speak in front of people I don’t say it loud”
“How do you feel when you read out loud…sad”
“Because I don’t want nobody to hear me”

Low Communication (SA)
During student interviews, students expressed low communication. Low communication included silent answers, short responses, and repeated words. Body language was documented during the interview and coded as silent answers when the student didn’t speak but showed a response through body language. Short responses were noted when the student responded to a question with a one or two word response. Repeating words were noted when the student responded with the same words numerous times. Students responded with the following responses:
Silent answers:
(Nods head yes)
(Shrugs shoulders)
(Shakes head no)
(Deep in thought)
(Hands on face)
(Pulls jacket over face)

Short responses:
“Fix it”
“Over there”

Repeated words:
“A lot”
“I just ignore it”
“Sound it out”

Below you will find three examples of my coding work....


  1. Devon,
    Your coding looks great. I love what you have narrowed it down to and I think you are probably getting some really good information out of what you are looking at. Can't wait to see where our data goes from here. :)

  2. Devon, you have been working so hard! I am very impressed with your coding and tallying. I love seeing the work you are doing. I look forward to hearing final decisions.
